Survive The Next 20 Years And You May Be immortal

 Survive The Next 20 Years And You May Be immortal

Survive The Next 20 Years And You May Be immortal

When we talk about life extension we don’t talk about keeping people alive through artificial means, we actually mean extending the normal, natural life of Man.

Life is a multi-faceted concept. Life may refer to the ongoing process of which living things are a part; the period between the birth (or a point at which the entity can be considered to be living) and death of an organism; the condition of an entity that has been born (or reached the point in its existence at which it can be established to be alive) and has yet to die; and that which makes a living thing alive.


The term Life Extension now is mainly used in promoting and selling Vitamins and indeed Vitamins or Minerals seem to play an important role in extending life and in earning money for Vitamin manufacturers.

Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw
laid the groundwork for Life Extension by practicing on their own bodies by taking controversial supplements or massive doses of supplements, and documenting the results within their own bodies.
